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Showing posts from 2008

Terrorism with us

T oday we are afraid of terrorism so much but i think we, the common man/citizen are also responsible for this terrorism.We are also supporting the terrorism indirectly if we are doing any small unlawful activity or corruption.It doesn't matter whether this activity is related to our general life but it may support terrorists as a loophole and may harm ourself and our country.Therefore to guide and to aware the common man is also important throgh various programmes and with strict rules. -Ravi N Srivastav Mission Bhartiyam initiative by youths

Light Pollution : enviornmental effect

These days we are going on development ladder.we dont want to sleep.we dont want natural darkness even for a minute and we are trying ti increase the intensity of our artificial lights.Is it OK? NO..NO....NO......lincreasing light is harmfull.we cant see properly, scattering after reflection with dust particles,small incets are dying...and so we will too.because evry natural thing have some impact to us..the human and our lives depend only on their lives.we have to go towards rerducing will be beneficial for our energy security too. please look towards the brighter and darker both sides and play the safe games. It is our request to you to aware the mass for reducing light pollution. It is upon you..for you......... Thanking you. Mission bhartiyam - Team (Youths for Enviornmental awareness)-YEA ( you can become a part of YEA by sending your request e mail and profile to )