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Showing posts from September, 2012

Conclusion of Tree for Harmony and celebration of World Peace Day at India Gate, Delhi

Mission Bhartiyam, A&A, FACT celebrated World Peace Day In a bid to spread the word of peace, harmony and brotherhood and also awareness about environment, Mission Bhartiyam, A&A (Art and Architecture group) and FACT(Federal Alliances of Creative Talents) had organised a gathering of artists, photographers and musicians, today i.e. 21 st  September, in India Gate lawns. The event involved competitions for painting, sketching, photography and waste material utilization techniques. The themes were environment and peace. This event was the second gathering of A&A fans in India and had taken place simultaneously in 15 countries. It has to be organized every year to spread awareness about the twin challenges of environment and peace through art. Prashant Nautiyal, of A&A, remarked that “Art is an effective medium to communicate information to the masses. It is attractive and appeals to anyone.” Rohit Bhardwaj added that “so we used this form to commun

TREE FOR HARMONY 16 SEP (World Ozone Layer Day) - 21 SEP (World Peace Day)

TREE FOR HARMONY  16 SEP (World Ozone Layer Day) - 21 SEP (World Peace Day) -A South Asian Initiative for Peace, Harmony & Environment We aim to initiate friendship, brotherhood and peace in the entire South Asia. And for this, we turn to "our evergreen friends" – trees. What can be more symbolic of these values than a tree? A tree grows freely, digs its roots deeply and also gives life to other trees. It is a symbol of stability, growth and prosperity. A tree also grows freely, without any discrimination. And this is the message that we want to send. Like trees, we should do away with barriers of caste, religion, ethnicity and national boundaries. Like trees, we should grow together. So this event has a national as well as international essence to it. Mission Bhartiyam proposes "Tree for harmony" event to be held in schools across South Asia. In the event, trees labeled as "harmony trees" will be planted by students. Any